Saturday 19th April saw the hall’s committee putting on its first ever Easter Breakfast.
Over forty people attended the hall for a traditional English breakfast served by the committee and expertly cooked by treasurer Sue Parry.
Local children were able to do some craft work and everyone was able to find out about the annual Gardeners Association Show from Kelly Shenton. Also in attendance were Mike and Trisha Byford from Hazles Cross Farm Nursery who hold the national collection of Hellebores.
Said Chair Martyn Hordern ‘it was a bit like ‘hell’s kitchen’ for a while as it was all hands to the pumps to cope with demand, everyone had a great time and we raised a bit of money for the hall’
He added ‘we have had calls for it to be done on a regular basis and we shall certainly do it again’
Pictured are some of the committee and villagers enjoying their breakfasts, local children doing crafts plus the local gardeners association.
The hall’s next project is a like acoustic duo in September. More details will be announced in due course but we are hoping for it to be equally as successful as Saturday’s event.

You can find more out about Hazles Cross Farm Nursery by clicking HERE and also by downloading a leaflet Hazles Cross Leaflet