Scarecrow Fest 2018 Review

It is fair to say that the second ever Kingsley and Kingsley Holt Scarecrow Festival was a fantastic community event.

All told 50 crows were entered with an eye-watering standard reached as the community showcased their imagination, DIY and crafting skills.

Whilst everyone was a winner here are the actual winners :

Judges First Place  – Rapunzel and Flynn Rider (21)

Judges Second Place – Fantasia (32)

Judges Joint Third Place – Pinocchio (50)  and Pirates of the Caribean (2)

The standard was so high that the judges highly commended six additional entries.

Peoples Vote First Place Pinocchio (9)

Peoples Vote Second Place Maleficent  (18)

Peoples Vote Third Place Rapunzel (3)

A big thank you to Julie Clowes and Alison Reynolds who organised the event and helped to raise over £1000 for the Village Hall, St Werburghs Church and Kingsley Holt Chapel.

Following are all the crows  (credit to the Kingsley Holt Newsletter team for capturing the images)



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